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Britain: enough is enough – revolutionary alternative needed

Britain: enough is enough – revolutionary alternative needed

Tuesday, 9 August 2022 


Strikes and Communist Party manoeuvres point to rising class struggle in Vietnam

A wave of class struggle, rising all over the world, is approaching Vietnam. Under increasing financial pressure, sections of the Vietnamese working class have engaged in furious wildcat struggles. The rising tension is also reflected in the actions of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam (VCP), which is now led by its most powerful leader in decades. While making a show of proactively addressing corruption in Vietnamese society in an effort to appease the masses, it has simultaneously increased repression.


Britain: enough is enough – revolutionary alternative needed

A mass fightback against the ruling class’ attacks is beginning, with strikes and grassroots movements building. To win, workers and youth must be armed with a militant strategy, bold socialist policies, and a clear revolutionary perspective.


El desembarco de Sergio Massa – Un intento desesperado por no caer en el abismo –

Después de una semana desenfrenada de corridas cambiarias, crisis económica, escalada inflacionaria, con un Frente de Todos casi al borde del abismo, un sector importante de la burguesía junto al gobierno de los Fernández, logró poner «orden» a una realidad de incertidumbre sin fin.