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Brazil: Against the coup-plotting right wing – for unity, mobilisation and class independence!

Brazil: Against the coup-plotting right wing – for unity, mobilisation and class independence!

Monday, 9 January 2023 


Brazil: Against the coup-plotting right wing – for unity, mobilisation and class independence!

The invasion of the National Congress, the Planalto Palace and the Supreme Court yesterday (8 January) by Bolsonarista groups – in opposition to the electoral result and demanding military intervention – must be firmly repudiated and fought by the labour, popular and student movements. 


US court orders cruise lines to pay over $400 million for sailing to Cuba

On Friday 30 December, the South Florida U.S. District Judge Beth Bloom, ordered four Florida-based cruise companies (Carnival, MSC SA, Royal Caribbean and Norwegian) to pay more than US$100 million each in ‘damages’ to Havana Docks. The latter, a US company, had owned a 1934 concession to several piers in Havana harbour, which was expropriated in 1960 by the Cuban Revolution. This decision, the first successful application of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, is capable of having a devastating impact on the Cuban economy and should be strongly rejected as an illegal act of imperialist bullying.


Brasil: Contra la derecha golpista, ¡unidad, movilización e independencia de clase!

La invasión perpetrada ayer (8/1) por grupos bolsonaristas en el Congreso Nacional, en el Palacio del Planalto y en el Tribunal Supremo, contra el resultado electoral y llamando a la intervención militar, debe ser repudiada y combatida enérgicamente por el movimiento obrero, popular y estudiantil.

Contra a direita golpista, unidade, mobilização e independência de classe!

A invasão perpetrada por grupos bolsonaristas no Congresso Nacional, Palácio do Planalto e Supremo Tribunal Federal ontem (8/1), contra o resultado eleitoral e clamando por uma intervenção militar, deve ser fortemente repudiada e combatida pelo movimento operário, popular e estudantil.

Pérou : la farce des élections anticipées ne résout rien

La montagne a accouché d’une souris. Le 20 décembre, le Congrès péruvien s’est à nouveau penché sur la question d’une élection anticipée, qu’il avait rejetée vendredi 16 décembre. Lorsque Dina Boluarte a succédé illégitimement au président Castillo, elle a annoncé qu’elle resterait en fonction jusqu’en 2026. Cela est devenu intenable. Il est clair qu’une partie de la classe dirigeante péruvienne comprend qu’elle doit réformer le système politique pour tenter d’apaiser l’énorme vague d’indignation soulevée par le coup d’État du Congrès contre le président Castillo le 7 décembre.

بيرو: الانقلابية بولوراتي تعلن حالة الطوارئ لسحق الإضراب الوطني ليوم 15 دجنبر

أدت التحركات المناهضة للانقلاب ضد الرئيس بيدرو كاستيلو، في بيرو، إلى وضع حكومة الانقلابية، دينا بولوارت، على حافة الانهيار، حيث تأثرت 14 مقاطعة بيروفية، من أصل 24، بالمظاهرات الجماهيرية والإضرابات وحواجز الطرق.