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January 1923: Germany on the brink

January 1923: Germany on the brink

Friday, 13 January 2023 


January 1923: Germany on the brink

Today marks one hundred years since French troops invaded the Ruhr. This occupation, combined with hyperinflation, sparked revolutionary convulsions across Germany. With crisis once again haunting Europe, Rob Sewell examines the lessons of 1923.


Afghanistan: women resist Taliban education ban – solidarity from the Progressive Youth Alliance!

Since returning to power in 2021, the Taliban in Afghanistan have subjected women to a brutal regime of oppression, whilst the whole population has been plunged into an abyss of hunger, disease and misery. Now, women have been excluded from education, leading to renewed protests. Hundreds of brave women have taken to the streets of Kabul and other cities, fully in the knowledge of the risk to their lives in doing so. In this video, the comrades of the Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA – the youth wing of the IMT in Pakistan) send their solidarity.


India: Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Delhi elections – what do they tell us?

The current right-wing Modi regime in India won the assembly elections in Gujarat, which were seen as a rehearsal for the 2024 general elections. The reasons behind this victory are complex and must be explained, against the context of other state elections that produced different results.


Perú: el movimiento de masas de trabajadores y campesinos desafía el golpe capitalista a pesar de la brutal represión

Un mes después del golpe de Estado contra el presidente Castillo el 7 de diciembre, el nuevo gobierno ilegítimo de Dina Boluarte ha utilizado una brutal represión policial y militar para sofocar las protestas, dejando 48 muertos.

Peru: movimento de massas de trabalhadores e camponeses desafia golpe capitalista apesar da repressão brutal

Um mês após o golpe contra o presidente Castillo em 7 de dezembro, o novo governo ilegítimo de Dina Boluarte usou a brutal repressão policial e do exército para reprimir os protestos, deixando 45 mortos. Operários e camponeses resistiram ao golpe com manifestações de massa, bloqueios de estradas, greves gerais nacionais e regionais e a formação de comitês de luta em todo o país em um movimento que tem seu epicentro nos departamentos mais pobres e indígenas do sul. Quem esteve por trás do golpe de 7 de dezembro e quais são as perspectivas para o movimento de resistência de massas?

[ဂန္ထဝင်] In Defence Of October

၁၉၃၂ ခုနှစ်၊ နိုဝင်ဘာ ၂၇ ရက်နေ့၊ ကိုပင်ဟေဂင် (ဒိန်းမတ်) မှာ လီယွန် ထရော့စကီး မိန့်ခွန်းတခု ပြောခဲ့တယ်။ အောက်တိုဘာ တော်လှန်ရေး၁၅နှစ်ပြည့် အခမ်းအနားမှာ ပြောခဲ့ခြင်းဖြစ်တယ်။ အောက်တိုဘာ တော်လှန်ရေးကို ခုခံကာကွယ်ရင်း ၁၉၁၇ ရုရှားမှာ အမှန်တကယ် ဖြစ်သွားခဲ့တဲ့ ဖြစ်စဉ်တွေကို သမိုင်းအမှန်ဖြစ်အောင် ဖော်ထုတ်ပြခဲ့တယ်။ စတာလင်ဝါဒီတွေ တင်ပြနေကျ ပုံဖျက်ထားတဲ့ ဗားရှင်းနဲ့ ဆန့်ကျင်ဖက် ဖြစ်နေမယ်။

البرازيل: ضد اليمين المتآمر الانقلابي – من أجل تحرك موحد مستقل للطبقة العاملة!

إن اقتحام الكونغرس والقصر والمحكمة العليا أول أمس (08 يناير) من قبل مجموعات من أنصار بولسونارو -ضدا على نتيجة الانتخابات الرئاسية وللمطالبة بالتدخل العسكري- يجب أن يتم نبذه بشدة ومكافحته من قبل الحركات العمالية والشعبية والطلابية.