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Credit Suisse collapse: the whole system is broken – expropriate the banks!

Credit Suisse collapse: the whole system is broken – expropriate the banks!

Thursday, 23 March 2023 


Credit Suisse collapse: the whole system is broken – expropriate the banks!

The takeover of Credit Suisse (CS) by UBS exposes the massive instability of the global financial market. It is an expression of the rottenness of the world capitalist system. As always, while the bankers gamble away, the working class has to pay.


Trotsky's ‘Writings on Britain’: lessons for class war

Wellred Books is pleased to announce a new edition of Leon Trotsky’s Writings on Britain. Out of print since the 1970s, this republication will be a much-needed weapon in the arsenal of revolutionaries around the world. This new edition brings together all of Trotsky’s works related to Britain from 1906 to 1940, originally released in three volumes, into one single book. It also features a new introduction by Rob Sewell, editor of Socialist Appeal and author of the books Chartist Revolution and In the Cause of Labour: A History of British Trade Unionism. Click here to order your copy!


Netherlands: lacking a class alternative, BBB fills the vacuum in provincial elections

On 15 March, the Netherlands held provincial elections, which once again led to a shift in Dutch politics. These elections were a litmus test for Mark Rutte’s government and the ruling parties, which have taken a beating.


Hoy es siempre todavía

Publicamos, con permiso del autor, este texto del comunista cubano Léster Pro acerca de las contradicciones a las que se enfrenta la revolución cubana. Creemos que las reflexiones que hace merecen la máxima difusión.



3月16日,法国总理伊丽莎白·博尔内(Élisabeth Borne)在10个月内第11次援引法国宪法第49.3条,未经议会投票就强行通过了长期困扰马克龙的养老金改革。然而群众并没有忽视这项决议,在宣布后的几个小时里,成千上万的人就聚集在了巴黎协和广场谴责这一举措。其他城市也发生了自发的集会。(按:本文原文发表于2023年3月17日。译者:白明(热浪))