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Britain: Corbyn blocked by Starmer – Which way forward for the left?

Britain: Corbyn blocked by Starmer – Which way forward for the left?

Tuesday, 4 April 2023 


Britain: Corbyn blocked by Starmer – Which way forward for the left?

This week, Labour’s ruling body voted to prevent Jeremy Corbyn from standing as a Labour MP. Subsequently, many on the left have raised the idea of a new workers’ party. The key unresolved question, however, is that of revolutionary leadership.


Denmark: Revolutionære Socialister Congress 2023 – a youthful, fighting organisation

Over the weekend of 17-19 March, over 50 delegates met for the annual Congress of Revolutionære Socialister (RS), the Danish section of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT). At the congresses and other democratic structures of the IMT, no time is wasted discussing details or secondary questions. For us, the focus is firmly on political questions. The purpose of all discussions is always to collectively raise the political level.


Mexico: death of migrants in Chihuahua – capitalism and its representatives to blame

On Monday 27 March, at around 10pm a humanitarian catastrophe occurred at a migration detention centre, run by the National Migration Institute (INM) in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, which resulted in (at the time of writing) around 40 deaths and more than 20 people being left in critical condition.


Venezuela: Concedida libertad a trabajadores petroleros – una victoria de la clase obrera

La política gubernamental de criminalización de la lucha y la organización obrera de los últimos años, ha resultado en la detención de cientos de trabajadores inocentes. Esta situación ha generado el rechazo de la izquierda y las bases del chavismo, quienes han organizado diversas plataformas de solidaridad para visibilizar los múltiples casos y exigir justicia.


Francia: Lecciones del 28 de marzo

El martes (28 de marzo) se llevó a cabo otro día de acción para oponerse al podrido régimen de Macron, que la semana pasada forzó un aumento de la edad de jubilación en Francia. La lucha sigue siendo fuerte, evidenciada por los millones de personas que salieron a las calles.

Congresso da CGT na França: a esquerda na ofensiva

O 53º Congresso da CGT [Confederação Geral do Trabalho], realizado no final de março, marcou uma virada na história dessa confederação sindical. Os 942 delegados se dividiram entre a esquerda e a direita, e se enfrentaram durante os quatro dias. Acima de tudo, a ala esquerda parecia mais forte e mais na ofensiva do que nunca, mesmo que a ala direita tenha conseguido manter o controle da direção e colocar um dos seus, Sophie Binet, como secretária-geral.

Krah Kredit Svisa: ceo sistem je pokvaren – izvršimo eksproprijaciju banaka!

Preuzimanje Kredit Svisa (Credit Suisse - CS) od strane UBS[1] otkriva izuzetnu nestabilnost svetskog finansijskog tržišta. Ono održava trulost svetskog kapitalističkog sistema. Kao i uvek, dok se bankari kockaju, radničkoj klasi se naplaćuje račun.