This week’s episode of International Marxist Radio is the first of a special two-part series looking at the class struggle in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ben Morken, a leading comrade of the International Marxist Tendency based in South Africa, discusses the current political situation in a number of African countries, which constitute a bubbling cauldron of class struggle.
Hollywood is known as a “dream factory,” but for film and television writers it’s become simply a factory like any other, with all the drudgery and exploitation that entails. Sea changes in the industry brought about by streaming and artificial intelligence (AI) technology have made writing all but untenable as a career. To confront what it calls an “existential crisis”, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) presented the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) with a list of demands including major changes to how writers are paid, staffing guarantees, and safeguards against being replaced by AI. After six weeks of negotiations, the AMPTP refused to even counter many of the key demands, so with a historic 97.85 per cent authorization vote the WGA declared a strike.
Il primo turno delle elezioni presidenziali in Turchia non ha decretato alcun vincitore. L’attuale presidente Erdogan (49,3% dei voti) sarà costretto per la prima volta al secondo turno; il suo rivale sarà Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, del Chp, Partito popolare repubblicano.
För 20 år sedan inleddes den USA-ledda invasionen av Irak. Sedan dess har landet slitits itu av krig, sekterism och fundamentalism. För att få ett slut på imperialismens grymhet måste vi avskaffa kapitalismen.
Israel fyller 75 år i ett tillstånd av en aldrig tidigare skådad kris. Den 14 maj 1948 utropades Israel efter att en långvarig terrorkampanj av den sionistiska armén mot palestinierna hade dödat tusentals och fördrivit 750 000 från sina byar och hem. Denna dag markerar Nakba (katastrof) för palestinierna. Sedan dess har Israel utkämpat många krig och ständigt undertryckt det palestinska motståndet för att befästa sin makt.