Ireland: Republicanism and Revolution – BOOK LAUNCH TOMORROW (18:00 GMT)

Join Wellred Books at our international launch event for our latest release, ‘Ireland: Republicanism and Revolution’ by Alan Woods. Register here for free to participate in the launch on 26 November at 18:00 GMT. Wherever you are in the world, you can join the launch event, which will be streamed online through zoom. Or, if you are in London, come and join the launch live at London Irish Centre, NW1 9XB.

Out of print since it was last published in 2005, the book’s republication seventeen years later shows that the lessons inside are more relevant than ever.

Delving into the lessons of Ireland’s revolutionary history, the book charts the generations of brave Irish men and women who fought for national liberation against British imperialism, whose legacy the ruling classes in Britain and Ireland have attempted to bury deep beneath lies, distortions and the fog of sectarianism.

Through these struggles, one lesson stands out which was always fought for by James Connolly: “The cause of labour is the cause of Ireland, the cause of Ireland is the cause of labour.”. This is an essential read for revolutionaries in Ireland, in Britain and around the world.

At the launch, the author of the brand new introduction, Ben Curry, writer and activist for Socialist Appeal, will introduce the book and why it is so relevant today. This will be followed by a Q&A session where you can ask questions about the book and the lessons it contains.

Don’t miss out on this exciting event. Register now!

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